

Alt / Saglio is available for sale 213
Rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris www.colette.fr
completely charmed by Alt/Saglio, a little
journal of street
photos of the French Vogue editors Emmanuelle Alt and Géraldine Saglio.
It’s a bit of an art project, with quotes from a crazy mix of
people—Einstein to Bruce Willis—and it’s a mystery. No author is given. I
thought Ms. Alt might know something, but she did not respond to my
email. The book suggests the obsession with fashion as culture.
Horyn, The New York Times, July 15, 2010

graphic paintings.available for sale at
printed matter.
interior pages

published: 2008
interior pages
available at ... -- COLETTE 213 rue st honore 75001 paris france 01 55 35 33 90 --
- - - - - - - - - - - -
between images and quotations are not only very clever, but often quite funny. And the book has a visual quality i cannot
exactly define, but very convincing." ANNE MOEGLIN-DELCROIX Professeur à l'Université
de Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Former Director: Artist's book collection, Bibliotheque Nationale de France.






yabe project.published february 09.
interior pages

published: 1996
out of print
interior pages
included in the 20th century archives:
centro ricercae documentazione arti visive (center of research and documentation of the visual arts) rome italy
archive link
included in the MOMA (new york)
artist's book collection.
moma collection
umbrella review
included in the artist's
book collection of the getty museum,
los angeles, california
available at the following new york bookshops:
> printed matter (soho)
> st. marks bookshop (east village)
> perimeter books (soho)
> irving oaklander books (upper west side)
> dia art center (chelsea)
> condé nast lobby magazine store (midtown)
> untitled books (soho)
print run: 600 copies
retail price: $11.50






published: 2005
out of print
interior pages
"Text/Image Collection: by Wynn Dan" inspires the mind and the eye simply to revel in the trip you have laid out,
page by page. The pleasure of viewing the (found) images, presented in a deadpan gray, exploring their relationship to the
quotes, ruminating over the sequence of the images and text is a thoroughly engaging process. I marveled at the quotes you
have assembled. A number of these quotes made me laugh outloud: words of wit and wisdom from artists of all persuasions and
media, actors, authors/philosophers, in a collage of wonderfully strange bedfellows. And Alfred E. Newman and Sid Vicious,
This is a very special project and one that successfully taps into and utilizes the format of the artists'
book to wonderful effect. "Text/Image Collection: by Wynn Dan" is now in the Library's online catalogue, CatNYP, which you
can pull up on the Library's website.
ROBERTA WADDELL Curator of Prints New York City Public
"Your book really touched a nerve."
"You should print a whole lot
of books and distribute them throughout the world." ED RUSCHA
"Text\Image Collection is a quotation generated bookwork, where the quotes from famous men (and a few women) such
as Sid Vicious to Hilton Kramer, from Dorothy Parker to Malcolm X, where quote and photographs make a big statement grab the
mind, the imagination and the intellect all at once. The matching of quote to image is stunning, and this bookwork is a revelation.
Small in the hand, softbound with 128 pages of photos that are perfectly matched to the short quote, but what a journey. A
little book to take with you on any journey and let you imagine other journeys of the mind. Numbered edition of 500.
"Je trouve très intéressant ce jeu des relations entre image et
citations, et aussi souvent très amusant ! Félicitations !"
à l'Université de Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Former Director: Artist's book collection, Bibliotheque Nationale de
included in the artist's
book collection of the getty museum,
los angeles, california and
the new york city public library.
getty museum
new york public library
available at...
213 rue st honore
75001 paris france
01 55 35 33 90
librairie flammarion du
musée centre pompidou
paris, france
01 44 78 43 22
librairie du
palais de tokyo
13 avenue du président wilson
75116 paris, france
01 49 52 02 04
yvon lambert gallerie
108 rue vielle de temple
75003 paris, france
01 42 71 09 33
florence loewy
books by artists
9/11 rue de thorigny
75003 paris, france
01 44 78 98 46
135 rue vieille du temple
75003 paris france
01 42 72 50 84
st mark's bookshop
31 third avenue
new york, new york 10003 usa
tel: 212-260-7853
fax: 212-598-4950
irving oaklander books
548 west 28th street
room 540
new york new york 10001 usa
212 594 4210
paul smith boutiques

