






camouflaging a 5000 square foot room is a daunting prospect, so wynn dan decided to keep the furnishings in his converted
warehouse space lean. his inspiration: brigitte bardot's flat in the jean-luc godard film "contempt", not to mention the legendary
casa malaparte on capri. a veteran art director for the condé nast publications who currently runs his own studio and design
consultancy firm, dan is no stranger to spare beauty and impresive views - especially those from the windows of the pentagonal
tribeca loft. the area is zoned by an L-shaped polycarbonate wall, two panels of which are pivot - hinged to hide a gleaming
stainless - steel kitchen; several tables equiped with casters allow furniture to slide effortlessly across the gray - painted
cement floors ("i rent the space for photo shoots; so it's easy to wheel things away," says dan, who is a photographer himself).
as for a typical day's work, he likens his method to grazing. "i have no specific routine, although in the morning i'm on
the cell phone a lot, moving around the loft. but it can be hard living in a completely open environment. "there's no office
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